Defeating death and living to tell the tale...
The Object of Wonder
"The Miracle Child"
Defeating death and living to tell the tale...
The Object of Wonder
"The Miracle Child"
The Object of Wonder
"The Miracle Child"
The Object of Wonder
"The Miracle Child"
I was only 54 months old, just been on this planet for sixteen hundred days. The next day, lead me into a horrific automobile accident, that permanently destroyed my life, and ruined every future opportunity I was good as dead, as I was thrown out from the front seat with skull fractures and glass in my cranium, although even at that age, I still did not give up fighting, and I continue not too.
Since I was four years old, I have been struggling with the decision of life or death, to give up and let go, or to keep on living day after day, on multiple prescription medications, and even herbal supplements. Since then, I have volunteered my time giving back to others in need, either donating blood, volunteering with the some of the greatest first responders in the industry, and even giving motivational speeches. My associates and I are fighters and will do anything we can in our power to assist other people in need.
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